Constrained by using a simple, but explainable linear regression model, we used this project to flex our feature engingeering skills.
In the fifteen years since its founding in 2006, Zillow has become synonymous with high-quality home price predictions.
Following the national reckoning on the myriad of ways racism is embedded into American culture during the summer of 2020,
many people within Zillow began questioning the product's reliance on data collected by police departments.
To this end,
our research team (Briana Cervantes and Cypress Marrs) has
spent the last few weeks exploring alternative indicators that might be used to replace crime data.
We developed these metrics within Boulder County, CO.
Although the model we developed lacks the predictive power of Zillow's current model,
we hope that our work on alternative indicators will inspire others, this time in prioritizing the public good within algorithm design.