animation of train delays
Hello & Welcome
photo of myself

Hi, I'm Bri. I'm currently working as a Data Analyst.

I'm a big fan of civic technology and doing work for public good. I recently graduated from University of Pennsylvania's Urban Spatial Analytics program, where I was doing that kind of work.

In my free time you can catch me warming up in the sun, inspecting plants indoors and outside, or diligently building my next dream house in the sims.

wire frame showing clean webpage with title and seach box

Conflict Minerals Specialized Disclosure Search Tool

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This tool was built in support of transparency and worker power. Learn more about the use case: Chip Workers 4 Responsible Mining.

Working jointly with a member of the semiconductor industry, this tool was built as a wrapper for the SEC's EDGAR Full Text Search API. The workflow outputs a csv with the minerals and responsibility partners listed in a corporation's Specialized Disclosure form, filed with the SEC.

This tool support efforts by member organizations to eliminate human rights abuses and environmental damage associated with upstream actors in the semiconductor supply chain, by first answering the following two questions:

  • Does my company use conflict minerals in our products?
  • What is my company doing to ensure equitable treatment for mining communities?

series of maps

Geospatial Structure Fire Risk Model

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This project investigates the spatial pattern of structure fires and fire risk factors across Guilford County, North Carolina with the purpose of building a model to predict future fire risk. The model uses information from past fires and latent risk to inform predictions in order to equip Guilford County EMS with a deeper understanding of where there is exposure to risk and which parts of the county exhibit greater vulnerability, so that they can make data-driven decisions to establish a common standard of cover.


Los Angeles Heat Vulnerability Index Dashboard

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Taking inspiration from the City of Philadelphia's Heat Vulnerability Index, this dashboard highlights the populations and areas within Los Angeles that are most vulnerable to extreme heat events. This dashboard was built to first inform policy makers and city program coordinators of this multi-faceted issue, and provide a tool that can help officials better allocate and invest in climate adaptive resources and strategies. Secondarily, L.A. residents can use this tool to identify important local community resources that exist to help them cope with or mitigate the effects of extreme heat.


Predicting House Prices in Boulder County, CO.

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Constrained by using a simple, but explainable linear regression model, we used this project to flex our feature engingeering skills.

In the fifteen years since its founding in 2006, Zillow has become synonymous with high-quality home price predictions. Following the national reckoning on the myriad of ways racism is embedded into American culture during the summer of 2020, many people within Zillow began questioning the product's reliance on data collected by police departments.

To this end, our research team (Briana Cervantes and Cypress Marrs) has spent the last few weeks exploring alternative indicators that might be used to replace crime data. We developed these metrics within Boulder County, CO. Although the model we developed lacks the predictive power of Zillow's current model, we hope that our work on alternative indicators will inspire others, this time in prioritizing the public good within algorithm design.

story map dashboard

Survelliance Policy in New Orleans in 2020

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This project is an adaptation of a yearlong report published by The Lens, a non-profit non-partisan new source in New Orleans. The additional maps that incorporate census data and the location of community assets consists of preliminary and mostly exploratory research. If you see something incorrect or that you consider as misinterpreted, please reach out to

Any and all feedback is welcome!


Predicting Customer Churn in a Public Policy Context

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The Department of Housing and Community Development in Emil City* has no doubt that their home repair tax credit program does good and is of social benefit. But they are not certain that their tactics to recruit eligible homeowners will yield new participants. This report explores employing an algorithm to identify eligible homeowners that are more likely to accept a home repair tax credit. In doing so, the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) of Emil City will know where to direct their limited marketing resources for the most gain.

*Emil City is a fictional city.

logo of redditor mining upvotes

"Am I talking to a poorly designed bot or a way below average person?"

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In 2020, the rise of r/WallStreetsBets (WSB) exposed the nation to the reality-creating power of Reddit. We all watched, or maybe even participated, as the subculture of WSB spilled out over the stock market, turning internet ideas into IRL impacts. But given that Reddit is open to anyone and tends to promote user anonymity, bad actors can harness the platform's culture-shifting power with the right resources, i.e. Bots.

Working alongside my fellow researcher Gianluca Mangiapane, we sought to develop a way to identify robot users in the comments. To do so, we constructed a logistic model using sciKitlearn in python. Adapting work done by Eamon Flemming predicting gender from reddit comments, we developed a tool to predict robots in the comments of reddit posts.

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eNJine: Engineering a Better Commute.

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Using recently released transit data from the New Jersey Transit, myself and my colleague, Cypress Marrs, built a proof of concept product to predict train lateness. This project was done in R.

If you have ever felt like NJ Transit needed work, you are not wrong. In January 2019, stations across the New Jersey transit system experienced the equivalent of about 1 year 8 months worth of delays. But what if you could know your train was running late before it was running late? At eNJine, we are making this possible.

series of graphs

Homer Plessy: Step 1, Break the Rules.

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As an Interpretation Park Ranger at the National Park Service, I developed several talks and presenations. Here's one that I developed with my colleague, Ranger Karen.

You’ve probably heard of the term civil disobedience, but did you know people were practicing it long before Rosa Parks and Dr. King? On June 7, 1892, a small group of activists in New Orleans broke the law in their fight against racial segregation. One of them, a man of color, bought a ticket for the white section of a train leaving New Orleans. That man was Homer Plessy. Watch the video to discover what led to Homer Plessy’s act of defiance and to find out what happened next.

plane flying to reveal the word innovation

A Louisiana without swamps - is that even possible??

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Serving as a Science Communicator through AmeriCorps, I helped to tell the story of the Coastal team at the Pontchartrain Conservancy.

This video makes the case for a new approach to Swamp Restoration, planting trees where they have disappeared, but not one-by-one or by hand. Instead, the coastal crew is applying a new technique - Aerial Seeding. Watch the video to discover how the Pontchartrain Conservancy is innovating coastal restoration efforts.

Icons courtesy of the Noun Project:
  • Resume by Design Circle
  • Linkedin by azapron